Owning my own supplement business has always been a dream of mine. I am an example of dreams can come true, no matter what happens in life. My name is Ryan and I am the Owner and Founder of Reality Nutrition.
Life has not been a bed of roses for me. I have had many struggles in life, and I have been through just about anything imaginable. One thing I have never done is give up. I am a warrior in life and no matter what life throws at me, I will not let it detour me from my dreams. My struggles and failures in life have given me the passion to do better. I may have failed hundreds of times in my life, but I always kept going. And one thing that always kept me going, even during the hard times, was my love for fitness and weight lifting and muscle building.
I have achieved success in creating my own supplements, website, and other things to grow my business. I started this from NOTHING. Dead Broke...... I was unable to get loans or any type of credit although I needed both to have my own product line. It's not cheap. I was turned down many times by banks, lenders, you name it. I almost lost hope until a miracle happened in my life and God blessed me and put people in my life to help me. Not only were people put in my life, but also companies that believed in me and would partner with me so I could make my dream a reality. They saw my determination and everything I have had to overcome and jumped on board. They also saw my vision of where I will eventually take this company which is a much bigger picture. A future goal is a ministry, for helping others struggling in life, that I will eventually fund with the profits of my Reality Nutrition business. This ministry will be a horse ranch with the goals of offering hope and healing for those struggling. I also WILL eventually share my story with many and also speak to help as many people as possible to inspire and motivate people. If I can do this, anyone can. All we have to do is believe in ourselves and not care what others think of our ideas or our past failures. We all have dreams and we all have the ability to obtain them as long as we have the courage to leave our comfort zone.
If you want something badly enough, you will do whatever it takes to get it. If you are not happy with your life, you can change it. We have the power to control our destiny without all the excuses. Excuses are just excuses not to succeed and to protect you from your fear of failure. We only live once. We all have a purpose. If you are not happy with your life, then you are not fullfilling your true purpose in life and reaching the dreams you have. I ran out of excuses. I used them all. I had logical excuses.
Then I realized that dwelling on the things that I had lost would continue to bring me down. No matter what my hardships are, I have the ability to change and start a new chapter in my life. We are the authors of our own book. A book of our lives. It's never to late to change the story line. We all have our own story. We are all unique in our own way. My company "Reality Nutrition" I love. I love the name. Reality! To be real and authentic. That is what I will bring with my products and also myself. To be real and to be human. We are not perfect and never will be. We always need to try our best and give it our all in all we do. That's all that matters. Eventually things will fall into place when you tell your subconscious that you can and will no matter what.
I hope everyone takes a leap of faith and chooses to leave their comfort zone and reaches new heights in their lives. If you already have, congratulations. If you have not, I challenge you to reach new levels in your life - mind, body, and soul. Write a chapter in your book of life that you want everyone to read.
Blessings to all. I hope to meet and inspire many. May you use your God-given talents to become who you have always wanted to be. Thanks for reading. Any questions on anything, please feel free to send an email on the Contact Us Page or call 1-800-689-1850. If we don't answer, leave a message and I will get back to you. You can also contact me through Facebook messenger.
Kind Regards,