20% Lifetime Commissions!!!!!!! Lifetime!!!!!!!$$$$$$$ Start earning a passive income by referring clients to Reality Nutrition.
You can earn as much as you want. It's all up to you. The great part is it is absolutely free to be an affiliate. You do not need to purchase a certain amount each month to stay an affiliate. You don't need to purchase anything if you don't want to. However, it is a good idea to purchase something if you are promoting so you can share your results.
My supplements work! They work very well and people will love them so once they become a customer, they will continue to buy. That is where the passive income comes in.
You will be given your own special affiliate link that is attached to you. All you need to do is share YOUR link on your social media sites and get people to the Reality Nutrition website. From the very first time a person clicks on your link, they will always be your customer and you will get paid 20% commission every time they buy something. Reality Nutrition is going to grow fast. We will always be adding more supplements. We also offer apparel and accessories which will give you the opportunity to make more.
We will have many things that people will want. We are working on something that will bring you a commisssion of $500 dollars for one sale. Then a residual of about $150 a month for one customer. That is just the beginning. The sky is going to be the limit to how much you make.
I hope you choose to grow with us. You can't lose anything as it is free to join. You have everything to gain. Hope to see you as an affiliate and pay you lots and lots of money in commissions. Blessings to you!